Knowledge and Rehabilitation Centre for children and adults with multiple limb deficiencies

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Amputations- och Dysmelicentrum
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Ottobock Care
Amputations- och Dysmelicentrum
Box 4041
169 04 SOLNA


Bone fractures

A broken or fractured bone is often associated with pain and discomfort. Some injuries heal themselves, while others require treatment and possibly a procedure or surgery. Some people are more susceptible than others to breaking a bone in their body, and one possible reason for this could be that they have osteoporosis.

For the target group

If you break a bone in your arm or leg, your mobility will be limited, which could make your everyday activities more difficult. If the injury requires a surgical procedure, it could be more complicated if it involves an arm or leg with a congenital limb deficiency. In such cases it could be difficult to know what the arm or leg looked like before the injury. The healthcare professional responsible for treating the injury could be greatly helped by any earlier x-rays of arms, legs and hands. There are clinics that offer you, as a private individual, the opportunity to take your own x-rays if you pay for them. It could be worth paying for such x-rays so that you can show a healthcare professional what your limbs look like if you happen to suffer an injury in the future. Please feel free to contact EX-Center if you would like more information or advice about how to proceed.  

Helpful tips

If you suffer an injury, it is important to think about the help or aids you may need during your rehab period. This could involve everything from help with your daily personal care to ensuring that you have the right sort of pain relief. If your injury is of such an extent that you may require personal help and assistance during a recovery period, you should contact the care-related assistance administrator at the local municipality as early as possible, so that a decision can be made regarding temporary home care. 

If you break or fracture a bone in your foot or leg, crutches or a cane may be a viable alternative to provide you with relief during your recovery period. There are axillary crutches available that go up under the armpits. If you have short arms, the grips may need to be moved upwards to make the crutches functional for you. If you have parts or all of your arms, a trolley walker may be a viable alternative. A trolley walker enables you to lean on the walker and thus relieve the strain on the injured body part. If you are missing both your arms, a wheelchair, electric wheelchair or office chair on wheels may be a good alternative. Even if you have broken a bone in your leg or foot, it is usually possible to use your other (healthy) leg to move around in a wheelchair etc. 

The Rehab team


Orthopaedic physicians

Occupational therapists



Prosthetist/Head of rehabilitation