Knowledge and Rehabilitation Centre for children and adults with multiple limb deficiencies

För remittenter

Remiss till EX-Center ställs via

Take Care:
Amputations- och Dysmelicentrum
Pappersremiss skickas till:
Ottobock Care
Amputations- och Dysmelicentrum
Box 4041
169 04 SOLNA


Referral procedure

For patients who live in the Stockholm County
Patients who live in the administration area of the Stockholm County Council need no referral to come to EX-Center. EX-Center’s coordinator can help patients get in contact with orthopaedic doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and psychologists. They can also be contacted directly. 

For patients who live outside the Stockholm County
A new Swedish patient law that took effect on 1 January 2015 made it possible for patients who live outside of Stockholm County to come to EX-Center without a specialist care referral from their home county council. This law gives the patient the right to seek open specialist care in another county without a special referral, providing that the home county council does not require a specialist care referral for care within the county. If there is such a referral it is applicable even when the patient seeks corresponding care in another county. There are unfortunately still county councils that have referral requirements for open specialist care within their own county, and thus also in order to come to EX-Center. Contact us, and we’ll try to help. 
Referral desirable
Even though a county council has no formal referral requirement, we would like the patient to have a referral from the health centre/family doctor. It makes it easier for both Ex-Center and the patient if we know where to send the input, feedback, and journal notes. It also simplifies follow-up of the care at home.  
Whether or not the patient has a referral, the home county council pays for the cost of the care. If the patient has received a specialist care referral on the initiative of the home county council, they also pay for the patient’s travel, food, and lodging during the time they spend with us. If the patient has a family doctor’s or specialist care referral at the patient’s own request, he/she must pay these costs him/herself. 
How does the patient obtain a specialist care referral for medical reasons? 
A specialist care referral means that a specialist in, for example, orthopaedics, hand surgery, or (re-)habilitation in the patient’s own county council issues a referral to EX-Center. The specialist must belong to a larger general hospital or university/regional hospital. The clinic’s senior hospital administrator must also sign the referral.  

The specialist care referral (for medical reasons) covers the cost of: 

travel to and from EX-Center by train, air, or car 
lodging and sometimes food at EX-Center
travel to and from airport/train station to lodging. 

The referral also covers travel from lodgings at Hotell Mörby to the treatment sessions at EX-Center and back again. There is, however, a patient fee on each taxi journey. The patient pays all other travel costs. 
If the patient needs the aid of an assistant during the visit, this should be indicated in the specialist care referral. 

The Rehab team


Orthopaedic physicians

Occupational therapists



Prosthetist/Head of rehabilitation