Knowledge and Rehabilitation Centre for children and adults with multiple limb deficiencies

För remittenter

Remiss till EX-Center ställs via

Take Care:
Amputations- och Dysmelicentrum
Pappersremiss skickas till:
Ottobock Care
Amputations- och Dysmelicentrum
Box 4041
169 04 SOLNA


Peer support meetings

EX-Center wants to give as many patients with multiple limb deficiencies as possible in Sweden the opportunity to participate in one or several peer support meetings. These will give the participants the opportunity to share their experiences with other patients in similar situations and to spread the knowledge of the EX-Center team. Another important aspect is for the EX-Center team to thereby gain new knowledge, which then can be shared with other patients. For the last few years EX-Center has arranged two peer support meetings each year. These meets have targeted different patient groups including children, double arm injuries and patients age 50 and up. The peers support meetings are not only for EX-Center patients but for anybody in Sweden who is part of the particular patient group. This way the peer support meetings provide a conduit for reaching patients who, for many different reasons, are not able to come to EX-Center, but need to be cognizant of EX-Center’s knowledge. The peer support meetings are financed by grants from The National Board of Health and Welfare.

The Rehab team


Orthopaedic physicians

Occupational therapists



Prosthetist/Head of rehabilitation